Brownie Guides develops skills for girls aged 7- 10 years old
Suzanne Morris
07542 186972 -
Offers girls aged 4-7yrs the opportunity to learn by doing.
Emma Lowe
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts for boys and girls aged 6-14 years old
Helen Hubbard
07906 680376 -
Brownies and Guides is for girls aged 7 to 14 years old
Rainbows is the section for young girls aged 5 to 7 years old
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are for boys and girls aged 7 to 14 years of age
Donald Young
07948 722053 -
Weekly art group
Frances Henry
‘Eye’s Down’ Friday 8pm
Mary Barr
0161 777 8026 / 07840 302259 -
Annual fundraising event
Local wildlife area
01772 324129 -
Local hall, a venue for some community group meetings
Trisha Wright
07721 423105 -
Mixed Bowling group
Jayne McKay
07525 775591 -
Free Computer use for members
0161 775 3457 -
The largest green space in Cadishead
Multi age teams
Duncan Brickhill
07564 951906 -
Crafts in different forms
Jim Haves
07811 016140 -
Popular allotments handled via Salford City Council. Applications welcome.
Cycle route for all skill levels
Tony Prescott
0161 222 4003 -
Nutritious cookery classes
June Winspear
0161 775 0336 -
Neighbouring village local walks
Mandy Eccles
0161 222 4003 -
Local conservation group
Helping to develop & improve the parks
Ann Cavanagh
0161 775 9644 -
Local library group
Mateeva -
Active group maintaining the look of the station
07823 324321 -
An open and friendly group
Sue Ness
07599 280530 -
An active International Ladies Group
Mary Tantrum
07865 650005 -
Pitch hire-indoor and out
Monthly friendship group
Chris Morgan
07913 224474 -
Games & snooker on offer
Meeting Wednesdays & Fridays
Serena Rice
0161 707 7402 -
Sports venue catering for all ages
0161 778 0104 -
Local area history meetings and talks
David Taylor
0161 222 4003 -
A hidden gem – where nature meets history.
0161 222 4003 -
Singing for pleasure
Julie Parker
07732 556381 -
Recreation hub & licenced premises
John Bird
Multi Age range
Gareth Doe
07944 600924 -
Social gardening group who meet monthly and are welcoming to all
Diane Hesford (Secretary)
Weekly & holiday club for school children
Yvonne Brown
07547 735466 -
Part of our heritage
01942 895841-Answerphone -
Local nature reserve
Locations for outdoor leisure
A valuable community asset
Alan Cavanagh
Recreational space
Annual village event
Neil Fairfax
0161 777 6957 -
Local charitable global organisation
One of Salford’s fishing grounds
Mike Duddy
Range of activities on offer
Fiona Ellis
07929 862182 -
Activities on offer during half term
0161 222 4003 -
Social group for ladies
Mavis Lamb
0161 775 4743 -
Singing and dancing classes for young people
Sophie Brading
Off road green pathway leading to and from Irlam Station that includes quirky 3D art pieces
0161 222 4003 -
Summer Holiday Activities 2024
Pub, restaurant and 14 boutique bedrooms set in beautiful surroundings in a peaceful village location
0161 222 4444 -
Ladies who sing for pleasure
Pauline Verity
07798 813033 -
Affordable holidays for the over 50’s
0161 925 1233