Groups & Amenities
Brownie Guides develops skills for girls aged 7- 10 years old
Suzanne Morris 07542 186972
Offers girls aged 4-7yrs the opportunity to learn by doing.
Emma Lowe
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts for boys and girls aged 6-14 years old
Helen Hubbard 07906 680376
Brownies and Guides is for girls aged 7 to 14 years old
Rainbows is the section for young girls aged 5 to 7 years old
Beavers, Cubs and Scouts are for boys and girls aged 7 to 14 years of age
Donald Young 07948 722053
Centre for sports and arts located next to Moorfield Primary School
Shellie Gartside 07789 495433
There is a real need for more foster carers and adoptive parents
0161 799 1268
Information and support available for those living with dementia
0300 150 3456
Sanctuary and a main road charity shop
0161 775 2221
Weekly art group
Frances Henry
‘Eye’s Down’ Friday 8pm
Mary Barr 0161 777 8026 / 07840 302259
Fortnightly meetings
Serena Rice 0161 707 7402
Annual fundraising event
Councillors contact details for help and advice
Local wildlife area
01772 324129
Local hall, a venue for some community group meetings
Trisha Wright 07721 423105
Community Church open to all
John & Yvonne O'Connor 0161 775 2396
This Community Hall in Cadishead Park is the home of several groups
Small intermate congregation
Jim Hughes 0161 775 4963
Mixed Bowling group
Jayne McKay 07525 775591
Free Computer use for members
0161 775 3457
The largest green space in Cadishead
From ‘Clever Chicks’ nursery to 10 year olds
Nicola Heggs 0161 921 1430
Youth teams through to adults
Paul Elliott 07595 388377