St Mary’s C of E Primary School
St Mary’s C of E Primary School aims to:
Create an atmosphere in which each person involved in the life of the school is treated as special and of equal importance.
Provide learning opportunities of quality which challenge our pupils to reach their full potential.
Provide a supportive environment which fosters self-esteem and provides the security in which to take risks and learn from mistakes.
Nurture strong relationship between school, home, parish and the wider community.
Provide a predominantly Christian ethos in which awareness of and respect for other cultures and beliefs are encouraged.
“Providing a stimulating and supportive Christian environment which enables each child to fulfil their potential academically, socially and spiritually”
Headteacher: Ms Jo McGarry
Your telephone call to the school will be answered by Mrs Phillips or Mrs Adams
If you wish to speak with our SENDCO ask for Mrs Buckley
For more information about St Mary’s School, check out the school website.