Irlam Endowed Primary School

Irlam Endowed Primary School has been established in the community since 1834 and has had an enviable reputation for all of those years. The welfare of the children and their progress are of the utmost importance to everyone at the school and they want to ensure that all children have the opportunities to attain the highest possible standards in their work and in their personal development.

The school motto is ‘Fulfilling Our Potential’ which applies to all members of staff and the extended school family, as well as the pupils. Irlam Endowed’ s school logo includes a griffin – a mythical creature of strength, loyalty and leadership, the ideal symbol for our amazing children.


Headteacher: Mr Ben Lynch

Check out the schools website for full information

Irlam Endowed School also run a weekly Toddler group every Friday in term time, check it out.

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