Defibrillator Map & Defib Courses

Click the Defib Location Map in ‘Our Gallery ‘ below to enlarge… For awareness, there are 20 public accessible 24/7 defibrillators in the area where the ambulance service on ringing 999 in an emergency, will direct you to your nearest!

The FREE Defibrillator Awareness Courses have been a great success! Held at Hamilton Davies House with the training provided FREE by Imperative Training of Irlam. The 2.5 hours awareness courses are ideal to give you the confidence to use this piece of life-saving equipment. Each course is a one-off stand alone course and a certificate is also awarded.

The date for the next course is: Wednesday 23 April 6:00pm-8:30pm

Contact Sharon to put your name down if you are interested in attending a course on 0161 222 4003.

CPR is an important emergency life-saving skill to have on it’s own whilst waiting for help. The British Heart Foundation is working with RevivR and you can learn CPR in 15 minutes with just your mobile phone or tablet and a cushion to practice on. You will even get a certificate!

To start the CPR free training or save it for later click here.

Did you know that giving CPR along with using a defibrillator can more than double someone’s chance of survival?

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